Who are we?

In a few words, we are a feminist and youth-led organization.

We are on a mission to educate that presence and perspective is power, create youth advocates for social equality, and empower people of all genders through our events, projects, campaigns, and programs. We aim to establish an inclusive culture for today’s youth and tomorrow’s generations where their power comes from their voice.

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Our Goals

Teach Youth

We strive to teach young individuals about activism, feminist values, and relevant social issues.

Strengthen and Amplify

EVE looks to equip youth with essential skills and experience so, they may utilize their power of voice to make a change.

Set Standards

We would like to exemplify diversity, empowerment, and inclusivity so, individuals understand what should be possible at at their workplace, schools, community spaces, and more.

Support Others

Most importantly, we are here to support; support passionate individuals, other feminist-aligned businesses, and much more.

Why we do what we do

In today's society, power is taught to be limited and equated to wealth; but at E.V.E., we teach that your presence and perspective is also power. Through our projects, events, campaigns, and programs, we aim to establish an inclusive culture for today’s youth and tomorrow’s generations where their power comes from their voice and advocacy for social change.


Our Team Members

Gianella Bejar
CEO & Founder
Andreea McKague
Creative Director
Norah Bello
Chapter Coordinator
Emmaline Anderson
Researcher & Designer
Karol Khalaf
Director of Marketing
Kim Quimora
Alyssa Fernandes
Director of Human Resources
Mirette Mina
Director of Finance
Lorna Boles
Finance Coordinator
Heaven Sefain
Social Media Manager
Inaaya Lalani
Social Media Manager
Daniel Bao
Content Creator
Bianca Carbo
Julie Fam
Ana Maniram
Cathy Chambachan
Event Coordinator
Mathusha Kugathasan
Event Coordinator
Raheen Ashraf
Event Coordinator
Thelma Lartey
Event Coordinator